2023 Singing Competition

for Overseas Compatriot Schools………Both winners, only two in the United States!!
2023 全球僑校學生&僑生歌唱大賽 雙雙得獎, 全美唯二!!

IFY TCML Krysta Henrietta won TCML 1st prize


(獎金US $2800)

IFY Chinese School Hadassah Byamukama won Overseas Merit Awards 

愛飛揚中文學校學生哈大沙, 榮獲僑校組優勝

(獎金US $300)

Introduction 簡介

I Fly Young School was founded in 2013. With nearly ten years of providing educational service, we are one of the well-recognized Mandarin bilingual schools in the community. We serve a wide range of students. From kindergarten students all the way to college graduates in pursuit of careers. We also provide guidance and teaching for every school subject and every job field.

We are located at the heart of the city of Fremont in Alameda County. Fremont is the fourth-highest populated Asian community in the Bay Area. It is the closest county to Silicon Valley. In 2021, Fremont was rated as one of the best cities for growing families and one of the happiest cities in America. (A poll taken by wallethub.com compared 182 cities across the country).
Some of the most distinctive qualities of I Fly Young are:

  1. Dedicated and professional teachers: We currently have 25 teachers. All teachers are bilingual. All Chinese language teachers hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. Therefore, we have a strong team of teachers and admin.
  2. Spacious facility and classrooms: our school is at Forerunner Christian Church’s 10.4-acre property. Other than spacious classrooms, we have playgrounds, a basketball court, ping pong tables, etc. It’s a wonderful place to hold all kinds of events.

Our mission for the Chinese language is to impact all grade levels of students to “fall in love” with the beauty of the Chinese culture through Chinese classes. Our purpose is so that no matter where the students “fly” to, they may “make known” the beauty and the impact that the Chinese culture has on the world.Therefore, near the end of 2022, we are officially partnering with OCAC to initiate the Adult Chinese Program and establish TCML – IFY Adult Chinese Learning Center in April 2023, 23.

I Fly Young’s Adult Chinese Program will be mainly taught in traditional characters. The teaching content will be divided into three parts:

  1. Practical day-to-day life subject
    1.    * Basic conversation
         * Advanced conversation (including career language on a need basis
        2. Chinese culture class: learning the Chinese culture through food, clothing, housing, transportation, and recreation.

        3. Field trips to Taiwan: We encourage students to bring their families or invite friends to visit Taiwan during the summer vacations. While in Taiwan, we also recommend that students join Chinese language centers for in-depth learning of Chinese culture.

    愛飛揚學校成立於2013年,迄今已有10年的歷史,是大家公認的優質雙語學校, 而且我們服務的學生年齡層, 從幼稚園至職場年輕人, 從各學科學習到各行各業的運用。
    愛飛揚學校所在位置是 Fremont (弗里蒙特市)的市中心. 其地址位置佳, 四通八達。Fremont(位於舊金山灣區東南部),屬於加州阿拉米達縣,是舊金山灣區人口第四多的縣。Fremont 城市連續兩年(2022&2023年) 年被評比是全美最適宜家庭定居和全美最具幸福感的城市 (Wallethub.com 對182座城市居民的幸福感進行評比)


    1. 有優良有愛心的專業老師. 目前有25位老師, 所有老師都具備雙語能力, 中文老師都具備大學或以上的畢業文憑, 所以教師及行政人員,陣容非常堅強。
    2. 有非常寬敞的教室與環境: 我們學校長期租用的所在位置是慕主先鋒教會場地, 占地10.4 公畝,除了寬敞教室, 還有兒童遊樂場, 籃球場, 乒乓球檯等設施.適合辦理各項文化活動。

    基於對中文的使命感, 希望能透過華語教學,讓各年齡層的學生能 “愛”上中華文化的美, 讓中文成為學生不論“飛”到何處, 都能宣 “揚” 出中華文化美好的影響力。

    因此在2022 年底正式與台灣僑委會合作, 規劃成人中文課程 (Adult Chinese Program) , 並於2023年4月23日,正式成立TCML-IFY愛飛揚華語文中心。

    愛飛揚華語文中心的成人課程規劃, 以正體字為主, 其內容分成以下三大部分:


            *進階會話班 (包括各行各業的職場所需)

       2. 中華文化班, 透過食衣住行育樂各方面, 讓學生了解中華文化之美。
       3. 臺灣實地走訪之旅: 期待透過暑假, 鼓勵學生攜家帶眷或呼朋引友, 與臺灣各地的華語文中心合作,讓學生們有更深入的文化之旅